XXIIIrd Congress of the International Szondi Association
The International Szondi Association and the Centre d'Études Pathoanalytiques gladly announe the XXIII Congress of the International Szondi Association. The event will be held on
18-20. July 2024 in Leuven, Belgium.
The proposed topic of the Congress will be
in its multiple meanings. In everyday life it has often acquired a dramatic and negative connotation. However, it is derived from the original Ancient Greek κρινομαι with meanings as: to separate, sift, distinguish, decide, settle, direct and judge. It fits well with Szondi's word: Schicksal ist Wahl. Crisis, therefore, between fatality, open destiny and the choice of the person.
The ISA conferences are understood as a coming together in their diversity of evolutions departing from and referring to the thinking and practice of Szondi's Schicksalsanalyse (Fate Analysis).
L'Société Internationale Szondi et le Centre d'Études Pathoanalytiques annoncent avec plaisir le XXIIIe Congrès de l'Association Internationale Szondi. L'événement se tiendra
in its multiple meanings. In everyday life it has often acquired a dramatic and negative connotation. However, it is derived from the original Ancient Greek κρινομαι with meanings as: to separate, sift, distinguish, decide, settle, direct and judge. It fits well with Szondi's word: Schicksal ist Wahl. Crisis, therefore, between fatality, open destiny and the choice of the person.
The ISA conferences are understood as a coming together in their diversity of evolutions departing from and referring to the thinking and practice of Szondi's Schicksalsanalyse (Fate Analysis).
L'Société Internationale Szondi et le Centre d'Études Pathoanalytiques annoncent avec plaisir le XXIIIe Congrès de l'Association Internationale Szondi. L'événement se tiendra
du 18 au 20 juillet 2024 à Louvain, Belgique.
Nous proposons comme thème :
dans ses multiples significations. Dans la vie de tous les jours, ce terme revêt souvent une connotation dramatique et négative. Cependant, il est dérivé du grec ancien original κρινομαι avec les significations : séparer, passer au crible, distinguer, décider, régler, juger et juger. Cela correspond bien à la parole de Szondi : Schicksal ist Wahl. Crise donc entre fatalité, destin ouvert et choix de la personne.
Les conférences de la SIS sont comprises comme un rassemblement, dans leur diversité, d'évolutions partant et se référant à la pensée et à la pratique de la Schicksalsanalyse (Analyse du Destin) de Szondi.
Congress venue
Dekenstraat 2, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
The abstract submisson is closed, but you are still welcome to our Congress. You can register as non-presenting participant at the Registration tab.
Please fill in the regsitration form and submit your application. Registration fee can be payed by wire transfer.
If you are a presenting author, you need to pay the registration fee after the approval of your submitted abstract.
The registration fee includes:
-conference package
-scientific sessions
-coffee breaks
Registration type | Registration fee |
Non-member presenter | EUR 150 | |
ISA Member | EUR 100 | |
PhD Student | EUR 70 | |
BA/MA Students | EUR 20 | |
Non-presenting participant / Accompanying person (scientific sessions + conference dinner) |
EUR 70 |
18th July(F= en français; E= in English) |
9.00-9.45 | Reception | |
9.45-10.15 | Welcome (BM) | |
Chair: Robert Maebe | ||
10.15-11.00 | Jean Kinable (F) | Le critique propre à chaque vecteur szondien |
11.00-11.30 | Pause | |
11.30-12.15 | Stefen Delafortrie (F) | La personne entre identité et altérité |
12.15-12.30 | Discussion JK & SD | |
12.30-13.00 | Dorian Vida (E) | Case study: Psychological counselling using the Szondi based BBT method in Hungary |
13.00-14.00 | Lunch break | |
Chair: Jean Kinable | ||
14.00-14.45 | Marc Ledoux (F) | Crise et anthropospychiatrie |
14.45-15.30 | Tomas Geyskens (E) | The Ego between integration and crisis |
15.30-15.45 | Discussion ML & TG | |
15.45-16.15 | Pause | |
16.15-17.00 | Jean-François Rey (F) | La crise : de la contrainte a l’impossible à la decision |
17.00-17.15 | Discussion JFR | |
17.15-17.45 | Eszter Áfra (E) | Case studies: The first uses of the Szondi based BBT methodology in Hungary |
17.45-18.00 | Discussion DV & EÁ | |
19th July(F= en français; E= in English) |
Chair: Robert Maebe | ||
9.15-10.00 | Patrick Derleyn (F) | Les cartouches factoriels et les marasmes vectoriels |
10.00-10.45 | Jan Cootjans (E) | Death drive and the Szondi test |
10.45-11.00 | Discussion PD & JC | |
11.00-11.30 | Pause | |
11.30-12.15 | Andrés Siso (F) | Étude szondienne d'un groupe d'adolescents atteints de troubles du comportement alimentaire |
12.15-12.45 | Rolf Kenmo (E) | How does crisis influence the personality |
12.45-13.00 | Discussion AS & RK | |
13.00-14.00 | Lunch break | |
Chair: Mátyás Káplár | ||
14.00-14.45 | Mátyás Káplár (E) | Introducing the Drive Representation Tool (DRT) for fate analytic counseling |
14.45-15.15 | Ádám Unger (E) | The question of lack-of-motivation in fate-analytic perspective |
15.15-15.30 | Discussion MK & ÁU | |
15.30-16.00 | Borbála Bányai (E) | Case study: A mother's struggle with her son, herself, counseling w. Szondi test and genogram |
16.00-16.30 | Pause | |
16.30-17.00 | Judit Czinege (E) | Crisis matrixes in family estrangement |
17.00-17.30 | Eszter Rigó (E) | Case study: post-traumatic development, alcoholism, Szondi – test and counseling |
17.30-18.00 | Bence Szabó (E) | 2 cases w. Rorschach and a 2 profile Szondi test |
19.00- | Conference Dinner | |
20th July(F= en français; E= in English) |
Chair: Marc Ledoux | ||
9.15-10.00 | Catherine Petit (F) | Le test pulsionnel de Szondi un guide pour “les égarés”? |
10.00-10.30 | Guerric van Wessem (F) | Adolf Eichmann et son destin : (auto)portraits, écriture historienne et portraiture szondienne |
10.30-10.45 | Discussion CP & GvW | |
10.45-11.00 | Closing | |
11.00-11.30 | Pause | |
11.30-12.30 | General Assembly of ISA |
Fate is always on the move.