Our Statutes
Please download our statutes clicking on the links below.
The International Szondi Association is open for everyone who is interested in our work, uses the methods and concepts of fate-analysis or simply want to participate in our community.
Membership can be established by submitting the application form. The Board of the Association will decide about the application. After the accpetance the membership fee needs to be transferred to the Association.
Please read our statutes before you submit your application. Statutes are available in English, French and German. The documents are downloadable from this site.
All the members enjoy a reduced registration fee at the congresses of the International Szondi Association.
Membership fees
General member: 50CHF/year
BA/MA Student: 20CHF/year
Please, fill the online application form to apply.
Fill the Online Application Form
Please, download and fill the application form, and submit it to: membership@szondiassociation.org
Download the Application Form